I recently saw that Coco Rocha, one of my absolute favorite models, had posted some pictures of her apartment on Facebook. She and her husband, James, live in New York City. I think it is one of the chicest apartments I have ever seen and I love it!! I am in love with this type of apartment, and I hope to live in one like this when I am older. I have recently been obsessed with New York and the New York life, and will probably do a blog post about it. Until then,
PS: If you would like to view the rest of Coco and James' apartment pictures, you can see the here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/album.php?fbid=446154043231&id=217106523231&aid=251543
PS: If you would like to view the rest of Coco and James' apartment pictures, you can see the here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/album.php?fbid=446154043231&id=217106523231&aid=251543